today i went to the symposium in waterbury, ct., which i learned about here. it was the first time in 28 years that i met someone i knew from way back when. this person had seen my father shortly before he died in 1986. he said my father had been very upset with wts. (no surprise) he had he had given my father coc to read and my father had returned after reading it very happy and excited about it. he wondered why he hever heard from my father again...but alas my father died shortly after this happened.
my father never told anyone in the family about this. i am sure he just did not want to upset anyone any more than they had already been.
i am just so happy to know this. i hope it gave my father some peace of mind. actually, i am sure it did.
i also met pc today and i am sure that...having so much in common...we will become good friends.
thank you, simon, once again, for this forum.
best wishes, nowisee