The Truth About Organized Religion
Christians and theists often state that without religion people would resort to barbarism and anarchy. In reality however some of the greatest acts of cruelty have come from Organized Religion, such as:
Emperor Constantine institutes the killing of heretics (yeah, Rome fell shortly after)
The Crusades and other religious wars to numerous to count, in fact organized religion along with nationalism is the leading cause of war
The Papal Inquisition
The Roman Inquisition
The Spanish Inquisition
The persecution of Giordano, Bruno and Galileo, among other scientist (remember class the sun revolves around the earth and Jerusalem is the center of the universe!)
Okay it's true this is all in the past and the church has moved on right, well if you think that the KKK has moved on because they don't perform lynching then sign up with them too. The church is no less powerful today than in the past, think about the Christian Coalition and other such right wing christian-fascist organizations. Here's what the theists are doing today:
The Roman Catholic church still is against masturbation and contraceptive use even though upwards of 90% of American males masturbate and we have an aids epidemic
Christianity still persecutes homosexuals and other minorities
Christian churches still pushes for censorship of such outlets as the internet, the radio, your SCHOOL libraries (hmm... I thought we had separation of church and state), the T.V., etc.
The church still involves itself in politics, even though that is in direct violation of their tax exemption (I suppose the church does have to honor it's promises)
The Islamic Terrorists
The ongoing terrorism in N. Ireland (I.R.A. and Orangemen)
Lobbying the government to force equal-time for creationism on schools. Equal-time means that the schools will have to teach 150+ creation myths... Christianity doesn't a monopoly in creation myths
I don't fear that the church will ever get as out as control as in the past but as far as war goes where do you think the next major war is going to take place? The Middle East maybe? And who do you think will always be trying to sensor everything before you get to take a look at it? And what church is going to tell you what family values are? Who is going to slow the process of science by trying to force creation "science" on people?
The greatest threat of modern religion is the rigid moral system that some wish to force on the public. I've meet many Christians that are happy with their religion and keep it to themselves but an insidious minority within the church and the Republican party is working for censorship and laws reflecting their religion's morals. People don't seem to understand that instead of increasing the size and bulk of laws and legislature that the goal of any reasonable society should be to work for the end in which there is no need for laws, police and government. That ideal society may be a long way off but it will be even further off if we don't start working today.
What can I do? Well first off I believe we aren't ready for anarchy or anything of the sort just yet but we need to start working towards brotherhood today!
Here are some ideas of what you can do:
Start to treat everyone with an open mind.
Write, there is a need for good atheistic literature, get your ideas out... websites, books, etc.
If you are a Christian raise your children however you choose but if they don't think like you do, accept them, the same goes for people of all beliefs.
Stop abusing homosexuals. Gay people have been around long before the first Christian or Jew. This is coming from a straight white male!, if I can accept them as the W.A.S.P., (wait switch that "P" for an "A"), I am so can you!
Vote!, the only thing stopping Pat Robertson from moving in to that big house on Pennsylvania Ave. is your vote.