Today I found this website, The Fallacy Files.
It has an alphabetical listing of all sorts of logical fallacies, with a writeup for each one.
Very interesting reading.
The index for the website:
Abstraction Accent Accident Affirmation of the Consequent Affirmative Conclusion from a Negative Premiss Affirming a Disjunct/ Affirming One Disjunct Affirming the Consequent Alternative Syllogism, Fallacy of the Ambiguity Ambiguous Middle Amphiboly/ Amphibology Argument by ConsensusA
Appeal to/
Argument from...
Authority Consequences Envy Fear Force Hatred Ignorance Pity Popularity PrideArgumentum ad...
Baculum Consequentiam Hominem Ignorantiam Invidiam Logicam Metum Misericordiam Nazium Odium Populum Superbium VerecundiamAsserting an Alternative Asserting the Consequent Authority of the Many B Bad Company Fallacy Bad Reasons Fallacy Bandwagon Fallacy Beard, Argument of the/Fallacy of the Begging the Question Biased Sample Bifurcation Black-and-White Fallacy Black-or-White Fallacy C Card Stacking Circular Argument Circulus in Probando Commutation of Conditionals The Company that You Keep Fallacy Complex Question Composition Consequent, Fallacy of the Converse Accident Converting a Conditional Cum Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc D Denial of the Antecedent Denying a Conjunct Denying the Antecedent Dicto Simpliciter Disjunctive Syllogism, Fallacy of the Division Doublespeak E Either/Or Fallacy Emotional Appeal Equivocation Exclusive Premisses Existential Fallacy/Existential Assumption, Fallacy of F Fake Precision Fallacist's/Fallacy Fallacy
Analogy Cause Conversion Dilemma PrecisionFaulty Analogy Formal Fallacy Four-Term Fallacy G Gambler's Fallacy Genetic Fallacy Guilt by Association H Hasty Generalization Hitler Card I Ignoratio Elenchi Ignoring the Counterevidence
Conversion Major Minor Negative/ Affirmative Process Process of the Major Process of the Minor Quantifier Shift Substitution of IdenticalsImproper...
Disjunctive Syllogism TranspositionInformal Fallacy Ipse Dixit Irrelevant Thesis JK
Language/Words QuestionLogical Fallacy M Many Questions Masked Man Fallacy Misplaced Precision Monte Carlo Fallacy N Negating Antecedent and Consequent Negative Conclusion from Affirmative Premisses Non Causa Pro Causa O One-Sided Assessment One-Sidedness P Personal Attack Petitio Principii Plurium Interrogationum Poisoning the Well Post Hoc Propositional Fallacy Q Quantificational Fallacy Quantifier Shift Quaternio Terminorum
Analogy EpithetsQuestionable Analogy Quoting Out of Context R Red Herring Regression/Regressive Fallacy S Scope Fallacy Slanting Slippery Slope Some Are/Some Are Not Special Pleading Spurious Accuracy Straw Man Suppressed Evidence Sweeping Generalization Syllogistic Fallacy T Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy Transposition, Improper Tu Quoque Two Negative Premisses Two Wrongs Make a Right U Undistributed Middle Unrepresentative Sample Unwarranted Contrast V Vagueness Vicious Circle Volvo Fallacy W Weak Analogy Wishful Thinking XYZ