Hello, dear Mulan... and may you have peace!
Whatever the WTBTS position, you can bet is in error. For, as my Lord said: "There will be a resurrection... of the righteous... AND the unrighteous." How then are some to be left out? Is this a third group unbeknownst to us, that my Lord forgot to mention?
Such resurrection of the 'unrighteous', then, would also include Adam and Eve, for although they sinned WILLFULLY, they have not yet been judged... and SENTENCED... to everlasting destruction. They were simply returned 'to the dust from which [they] were taken'. That was their physical body... which 'died'; their SPIRIT bodies, however, MUST be destroyed, and it is only the Lake of Fire that possesses such destructive power so as to kill 'the body AND the soul'.
As for those who were 'disfellowshipped' by the 'borg... such expulsion has no credibility with either my Lord or my Father. For I, too, have been 'disfellowshipped' by such Pharisees, expelled from their 'synagogue' by a 'tribunal' of their 'lesser Sanhedrin'. But, so? For indeed my Lord said, 'you WILL be expelled...' and that all who 'killed' us would THINK they were 'rendering an act of sacred service'.
The ONLY people who have to worry about being restricted from entry into the kingdom... or a resurrection to judgment versus to life... are:
1. Those who treat Christ's brothers wrongly, who, as a result are 'cut off' from entry into the kingdom and thus access to the Tree of Life (and since ones cannot be sure who really IS a brother of Christ, it would behoove ALL... to treat ALL... accordingly);
2. And those who have received the promised holy spirit... indeed 'tasted' the free gift... and thereafter practice sin WILLFULLY... and not as a result of weakness. For such ones, there is 'no longer any salvation left', but there is 'a fearful jealousy'. You know, like Cain.
I hope this helps you to put things in their proper perspective and alleviates some of the fears that you and others might have. If you need, I can provide the 'substantiation' for what I have shared with you here. For the sake of brevity (and I don't feel so good right now... remnants of 'heat exhaustion' from yesterday), however, I just simply stated the truth.
I bid you peace!
A slave of Christ,