It happens all the time,great thinkers, brilliant minds,come to opposite conclusions.One example is the view on "The Ransom"
.Alan F.Wrote a brillant essay on this and concluded that such a thing is not reasonable. After having read his essay and many others, I agree.
On the other hand, Ray Franz believes in the Ransom. However Ray believes in the Bible being inspired of God. When I wrote to him about this, he admitted that it is a leap of faith, and one must have faith that such is so when they have searched the scriptures and come to this conclusion.
Now, I am by no means disrespecting either of those men. And it is not my intention to create a discussion that degrades or disrespects either one of these men. Men whom I have a great respect for and who have been an added force in helping me and my family out of the Watchtower.
History has revealed that brilliant minds and great thinkers have come to opposite conclusions on many subjects. I just used "The Ransom" as one example.
Would you like to share some others that have been of help to you one way or another.