I just got in the mail yesterday the DVD of "Witnesses of Jehovah" an revealing expose' concerning Jehovah's Witness. It is a 1986 documentary with interviews with ex-witnesses and active witnesses. Raymond Frantz is interviewed in it too. I love it. I watched with (my never have been a JW) husband and he really got fired up. LOL I thought it was excellent and would recommend everyone getting it. Have any of you seen it? Randy at freeminds has it available: http://www.freeminds.org/sales/videos.htm
"Witnesses of Jehovah" Video & DVD
by Balsam 6 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Yes, very good video. I've met several people from the video, all true horror stories. The story of the Blizzard family is really something.
Yes its brilliant, I used that video all the time back in the early 90s when I first left the Watchtower. I went round and showed it all my Bible studies and pissed off other JWs by going and visiting their Bible studies to show them the film. Its done a great work in the JW world. I even had JWs throw away the film after I left it with their Bible study, it wasnt theirs to throw away and back in those days it used to cost £30, now it costs about £7
Yes, I have this video. And also some audiotapes.
Great stuff.
I'll be watching it at a counter cult seminar in a few days. Can't wait.
Have any of you seen it?
Yes I have. It is an excellent film.
I knew Leonard when he was still an elder in the LaJolla congregation. Very intelligent man.
These type of films are really a great help to thouse thinking about studying or are studying. That came out long before I left the JW and I had never heard of it till just reciently. I was told by Roy Milton that there are a couple of more out there that are helpful too. Will have to get them.