Hi HadEnough: Enjoyed meeting you at BRCI. I arrived late and missed the opening Session. But, I was able to enjoy some vsisiting Friday night. I invited two other BRCI 'officials' LOL to have a 'drink' with me in the lounge. Both were former Bethelites. We had a beer. While sitting there, several more former Bethelites joined us. And that is how the discussion started. The only non-Bethelites were me and a sister and her husband. We asked the questions, and they answered and then expanded on what they knew.
You noted,
I wonder, surely they go into Bethel with good intentions. When does this 'not caring' overtake them? and how could they stay and continue to bend to the powers-that-be if they have a first hand view of the hypocrisy and burdens being placed on the "sheep"?"
That is a great question, and almost identical to the one that the non-Bethelite sister asked. That is when it was mentioned that these men see the 'Organization' as something larger than life, kind of like 'IT' is a god. And they, the GB that is, and other people in high position, wait on the organization like every other JWs. They see themselves as mere objects in the Great "IT" and therefore are not inclined to want to cause trouble.
The former Bethelite noted that you don't go to Bethel with any motives to change 'IT' or improve things. You go as part of the low level workers. Over the years, as you are 'conditioned' by the organization, and your circumstances, the politics, and the lifestyle, the fantasy concept of 'IT' you acquiese or mortgage your conscience to the 'Great IT', for IT becomes God.
And then when the problems begin to outweigh the value of 'IT', some leave, and some stay to see if they can find a way to effect changes. They eventually learn that there is no changing 'IT' and they too leave in time. Others resign themselves to wait on 'IT', and become essentially emasculated in their spirits.
You also noted,
"I realize it was said they feel helpless ... like cogs etc. but how can they cave in like that? Am I missing something?"
I think that there are not that many heros in history. That is why even among nations, people will tolerate very difficult conditions before some rise up and develop a following and work for change. In US history, it was a rare ocassion in history that we had many leaders and heros in place at the same time. Altough, I think that the visionaries and heros rise first, then others rise to lead, and others yet rise to help, and then many begin to follow.
I personally think that in religious history we are witnessing perhaps one of the important events in modern times. It is not on a scale as what has happened to other religions or nations in the past, but we do seem to have Visionaries, such as Ray Franz, Jim Penton and others, and we have leaders who have risen up, and I think there are many who are being supportive, such that there is a storng movement to bring the Watch Tower into accountability, not only for its false teachings, ir bad policies, but the harm caused, such as with blood, pedophiles, and isolationism that have hurt countless JWs for decades. The time is now, and we are poised better than ever, and I hope that ex-JWs will gain more momentum to bring this to a successful conclusion. - Amazing