One former Bethelite was talking about a close relationship he had with a Governing Body member. (I happen to have a couple of tapes of this GB member the former Bethelite mentioned. They were talks he gave on prayer. If only these GB men could publish what they really know and believe. If only they could follow through with the material they used to relate in the 'special' talks they would give before the big 'apostate' crunch of the 1980s to present.)
On one occasion, this former Bethelite was having a private discussion with this GB member. They discussed the Bible at times as part of their normal dialogue. The GB member then made the comment that the Society has 'it' all wrong, and everything they teach needs to be junked into the trash. He noted they the Society needed to start all over from the beginning, at Genisis 1:1 and completely reinvent their religion.
The Point: I find it strange that these men can make such sweeping statements, such total and wholesale abandonment of their religion in private, and seek to start over, when at the very same time, what they do publish is harming the flock, such as, but not limited to: Shunning, no blood, door-to-door religious selling, children not being properly educated through college, etc. All along, these men who publish what they are willing to call 'truth' do not believe what they are publishing. This is done to such an extent that they are willing to 'toss it all' into the waste bin. What a sad and cruel joke the leaders of the Watch Tower are perpetrating on the ignorant and unsuspecting JWs. - Amazing