your jungle music is corrupting our children, and I'm gonna put your black ass in jail!
The Man
by SixofNine 6 Replies latest jw friends
your jungle music is corrupting our children, and I'm gonna put your black ass in jail!
The Man
your jungle music is corrupting our children, and I'm gonna put your black ass in jail!
hmmmm, that sounds a little racist. So, either you're quoting someone from the 50's or society has left you in the dust of time. Let's hope it's the former.
DE, actually, I believe that was in the movie. (although I don't believe those were the exact words)
lol, Yes Sixer, that was in the movie. LOVED THE MOVIE!!!
thumbs all the way up with this movie.
Six is just stoned.
I just read the other thread on the movie, and it sounds really good! I think Six just walked away from his computer unexpectedly and didn't finish his post.
Watch yourself Double Edge, or I'll put your white ass in jail too. That's the beauty of being the man.
Joyz, it was great wasn't it? Although I couldn't help but realize at the end of the movie that what Ray Charles really needed all his life, what was really missing from his life, was to have been disfellowshiped.
"was to have been disfellowshiped."