How many of you have come to that point and remember that day. Do you know the exact date. I do! Today! November 3rd or 4th. It's kind of late. How did you feel? Was it invigorating? Was it sad? Did you feel nothing at all. I'm interested to know.
I threw out all MY JW literature today
by Tim Horton 9 Replies latest jw friends
It was over thirty years ago that I left the WTBTS publishing cult, so I can't remeber the exact date.
But I do remember that it was a cold day, and the house I was living in at the time had this nice, big fireplace.
You can fill in the rest. -
Nothing really. Whenever I'm forced to look at a publication these days i feel so sad that millions of people have been led to believe that it's spiritual "food" when in reality it's nothing but the husks.
I still have my meeting bag, my witnessing bag, my magazining bag in the closet gathering a thin layer of dust. They were quite expensive when i bought them but I can't bring myself to use them, flashbacks i guess. The publications? Oh, they're away somewhere but not in my life at all.
Maybe the book burning is good for the soul when you first realise the truth about "The Troof" but as time goes on, it's more of a "ho-hum" type of feeling.
Cheers, Ozzie
I do too much research on WT lies but I can understand why you did it. I took everything that is on the WT CD and other CDs and boxed it up. Eventually, I may sell it. But it is out of sight now. I have several shelves of books about JWs and cults in general. I am anxiously awaiting Jim Penton's new book on the relationship between the WTS and the Nazi regime; it shipped yesterday.
Tim Horton
Blondie: What? That's way too scary to comprehend! Cheers Rusty
Granny Linda
Congradulations on more "letting go."
Looking back, ya know that old hindsight, I'd have sold all the really old literature I lugged around for years simply because it had our names as little children written in the book.
It was 17 years ago I took that worn out suitcase full of bullcrap out to the dumpster and heaved it over. I felt an immediate mental relief, and hope to never forget that "feeling" because it was one of the best self-validation acts performed. Which in turn led to furthur action for dealing with the emotional fallout of religious abuse - and other issues many of us faced, but were denied outside help.
Blondie, and others...thanks so very much for all your efforts in research. It's never boring, eh.
El blanko
I've been tempted to do the same myself of late, but there is probably some worth in me holding onto the Reasoning Book, NWT, Insight Volumes .... just for counter-intelligence work
I think boxing it up is a good idea, as from time to time it may be worth flipping the lid to review ones relationship with the literature. If there is zero emotional response, then you know that the conditioning has faded.
Do you know the exact date. I do! Today! November 3rd or 4th.
LOL! Are you sure you know the exact date?