I was wondering how many here just inadvertently came across this site and what did you think? Were you still a so called "strong JW" in your congregation? The reason I'm asking is after I had a loud discussion with my "Elder" brother the other day, he said something to me I didn't expect. I was trying to talk to him inregard to blood and after his usual pat answers I said "you really need to do some research outside the Watchtower. He then replied something like"(my name) don't you think I do". I was totally shocked . I am thinking now maybe he has been looking at some sites. I really hope so anyway.
How many just came across this site?
by pc 2 Replies latest jw friends
I did after getting no friendship or help from other sites. This place and it's people have been a life saver.
I found it by chance. I had faded and moved away. I called up a therapist because I was having a difficult time with family issues and JW stuff. The person on the phone said there were support groups out there and I immediately said "I can't do that". When I thought about it more I decided to go online and that is when I found this site. Although I don't post that much I do read a lot and I can empathize with what other people are going through and realize that I am not alone in my feelings.