Thanks to all who read my post, and especially to all those who replied. It is so encouraging to have so much in common with people. I have been wanting to share this story for so long, just to show how much control these WT freaks have on their victims. My younger brother, who was the most spiritual person you could ever meet, a really genuine kind of guy, was baptized in 1997. Well he was very much part of the "world" before that. He was in college, living the typical college life. Well of course the little lad had a few sexual encounters. Well when he had learned of the "truth" he quit being sexual, which I guess that is good. Except the poor guy needed some kind of release, (you men out there know what I am saying--How hard is it for a man to have sex and then just try and quit??) So he starts to masturbate. In the privacy of his own little world- he decides that physically he has to do it. Which I don't have a problem with that. I know that there are physical side effects from young men if they don't get some kind of release. (sorry- I'm getting kind of graphic). Well of course an article comes out about masturbation and like a big dummy he goes to the elders and tells them of his so called "unclean problem" and from then on out he had to go to the back of the hall every Thursday night and report HOW MANY TIMES HE HAD DONE IT THAT WEEK!!! To see if he was improving, also he was only allowed to run the sound system and the mikes, he coudn't read the WT lesson, They turned him down for pioneering every 6 months that he tired to apply. His complete desire in life was to pioneer. And those bastards wouldn't let him do it!! I am sooo angry at what they have done to my brother, and he wants to please Jehovah so much that he does whatever these "men" tell him. He moved to a different town because he wanted to help out the spanish cong, which they were thrilled to have him, anyway he just gets good and settled there and he has to get all honest and go to the elders and tell them that him and his girlfriend (at that time), hips touched!!! No they didn't have sex, they didn't get naked, there freakin hips touched--whoopdido!! And they put him on public reproof, and took all of his privaleges away, he couldn't even give talks-which he rocked at and loved to do. I don't understand how he looks at all this and sais "This is what Jehovah wants",- he is still at there mercy. How much more cultish can you get???
Here's another story on why I started to doubt
by Sarah 4 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Sarah,
I was there. I used to make regular visits to individual elders to confess my sinful thoughts.
They don't want guys to masturbate, they want guys to get married and start producing young JW's.
Utterly assinine!
So will your brother even talk to you now? If he knows about your feelings, it will only be a matter of time, before his curiosity is aroused. Maybe then you can help him get free!
Touching hips, what a joke.
These 'elder' fellows who promulgate this type of control, seem to relish all the pain they inflict. Sounds to me things have gotten worse than I remember 20yrs ago, in the Empire of Evil.
Hope your brother just wakes up on his own. College must have had some impact, he is in alot better place, than those of us who were raised in it.
Glad you found a place to vent. Iam still venting after 20yrs away.
Hi Sarah,
Welcome to the board. It's a good place to vent and to let others know of the contoling methods of the WTS/JWs. Your brother's is a really sad story. It is much worse and so hypocritical knowing that most of the male members including the elders engage in the activity your brother confesses to and for which he gets restrictions placed on him. The difference for the others is the "DON'T ASK, DON'T TELL" policy.
As for "hips touching" that is ridiculous. They might as well have sex and confess and have no less penalties. It seems your brother is so caught up in this he has become blind to the way he is treated. I hope you can talk to him, he has told you lots already can you get him to express his real feelings?
It serves as a warning to others. DON"T GET MIXED UP WITH THIS RELIGION AS IT SCREWS YOU UP!
'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'
JW's said it best......."Religion is a Snare and a Racket"!!!!!