If getting babtised is just an act you do to let people know you have dedicated your life to Jehovah and you are serving him, then isn't getting married also a public display that you have decided to bond with this person and you want all to know.
So the question is why is it considered fornication if you have sex with this person before your actual marriage ceremonies?
Question ?
by Big Jim 5 Replies latest jw friends
Big Jim
I have often wondered why the WTS doesn't lighten up on their stand, but I have come to this conclusion :
If they let people have pre-marital sex on the provision that you have to be engaged to be married to the person, then too many people would be becoming "engaged" within weeks, days or even hours of meeting each other!
Hi Big Jim,
First... Baptism was not designed for that purpose. The purpose of getting baptized is because you want forgiveness of your sins and you wish to recieve the free gift of holy spirit.
Acts 2:38
Jesus' baptism was for the purpose of recieving holy spirit and carrying out the last portion of his 'work' God assigned him. (For he was dedicated since birth)
JWs baptize you to identify you as one of them and that you guarantee them your 'association' with their spirit directed organization. Something that never appears in the scriptures.
Matthew 28:19
Second ... the Greek word for "fornication" is 'por'neia.' In the dictionary ... 'fornicate' is defined as "fornicari" ... "to consort with prostitutes." It gives another definiton "brothel" which means "house of harlots, house of prostitution."
The word 'pornography' breaks down to 'porne' + 'graphos' which is "harlot + writings."
"Fornication" is therefore defined as 'works of prostitution' or 'consorting with prostitutes.
Sex before marriage would not necessarily be considered an "act of prostitution." For prostitutes have intercourse for the purpose of recreation, money, and satisfaction.
The Mother of the Harlots is called a "Harlot" because she commits "fornication" or 'prostituion' with the kings of the earth.
Peace to you,
Aaron -
I think the point is though that public baptisp is just a symbol of dedication and not the act of dedication itself.
However, with marriage it's a bit different. You have the ceremony and say the vows but the bit that makes you married is when you sign the marriage certificate which is done after the 'public display'.
Good point IF that is the view of baptism. Within Catholicism however, baptism imparts Grace, makes an indelible mark on the soul, creates a new being in Christ. This baptism takes place in one of three ways. First there is standard WATER Baptism which everyone knows about; secondly, there is Baptism of BLOOD, those who, though not baptized, die for the faith; and finally, there is the Baptism of DESIRE, which covers a great many people. Batism of desire occurs some one either wishes to be baptized but can not be for whatever reason, or those who would accept baptism IF they knew it were a requirement.
That's the Catholic view, therefore, given the Catholic view, the marriage also imparts grace, and the marriage ceremony is more than just a public declaration of dedication to a spouse. Further, the joining of two people in sex makes them ONE FLESH, which is why multiple partners are frowned upon. Fornication makes a lie of this unity proclaimed in Genesis and the gospel, and adultery is in direct opposition to the unity of the sex act.
"Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
[Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"] -
Hey Big Jim,
good point.Ben Walton