Thinking Crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by whyamihere 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyamihere

    Does anyone ever think of the saying ..."Bad things happen to Good people"?

    I was making chicken noodle soup for my daughter for lunch and I had an hypothesis on this! I know the Subject did say Crazy Thinking! However I was thinking this and maybe we are all good people(I feel like a bad person for not going anymore but I am working on it)....and the crap that did happen to us follows the saying Bad things happen to Good people. In that case I am not a bad person. Sometimes I think to myself am I making the right choice for me and my family mainly my kids. I always say well all I want in life is my kids to be happy. Thats a Key point if I want them to be happy then I will not raise them as JW.

    But then there is the saying "Good things happen to those who wait".......Well god Dammit I am waiting!

    Ha and my Favorite Saying of all "People in Hell want ice water don't mean they get it".....I don't know who that would apply to but it was funny.

    I know I am crazy and I have too much time to think....Well at least I can think with a 2 1/2 year old and a 11 month old!


  • Markfromcali

    Well given enough time both good and bad things will happen at some point just because things continue to change, there's not exactly any insight in those sayings. But you may be on to something with the idea of good people though.

    I'm wondering when they might make pigs that fly through genetic engineering.

  • whyamihere

    Pigs do Fly.....Well I saw what looked like a 400 pound women get off a plane....Does that count?

    Kidding of course!


  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake
    Bad things happen to Good people. In that case I am not a bad person. Sometimes I think to myself am I making the right choice for me and my family mainly my kids.


    When I left the JW's there were times that I prayed and God still helped me! That's how I knew for sure that I would never go back and that the JW's were wrong.

    Then I found the key to life...when you are good to people and yourself, you'll be happy. If you're bad to people or yourself, you'll be unhappy. That's it. Very uncomplicated. Not to say that bad things won't happen in life along the way, but if you do good things and are good to people, you'll be happy. At least, that's what works for me!!! Maybe you'll find a different philosophy.

    I think if you go back to the JW's, at this point you know they are full of it and you will be unhappy. The JW's did teach us good family values, though, and to follow the golden rule (of course many don't follow). I think those things were important, but you can take everything else in the Watchtower and Awake and pretty much toss it in the trash.

    Love you Brooke!!!

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