I left my apartment door open this evening to enjoy the nice cool air. My cats are strictly indoor cats and NEVER venture outside. However, today one of them could not resist exploring outside the door.
I didn't think anything of it... as much as he likes to put on an attitude, Thomas is still a scaredy cat. (He runs and hides anytime someone knocks on my door). He slooooowly walked outsided... then got braver and braver. Next thing I knew he was exploring the breezeway. I'm on the third floor, so I was not worried about him getting into anything.
After while I suddenly started hearing him wail and cry and mewo. MeeeOOOOOOww... MeeeeOOOOOOw.... MeeeeOOOOOOOOOw.... over and over... louder and louder.
I called him but he did not come (both of my cats know their names and normally come to me when I call them), so I went outside and looked around the breezeway but could not find him, so I got a bit conserned. I called his name again and he started wailing and meowing again. I could tell he had gone down the stairs to the second level, so I walked down to find him standing in front of an apartment door, meowing as loud as he could... only the apartment was in the same location as mine, only on the wrong level. LMAO. The poor thing does not understand the concept of floor levels, so he thought that I had locked him out.
When he saw me he got all excited and let me carry him back upstairs where he was relieved to find home.