I served as a ministrial servant in the borg. I received a #1 talk
assignment from the jw proclamers of god's kingdom. When I went over the material it was about the dates the borg spoke about such as 1975 and other changes such as the generation scripture. I spoke to my wife about it and said, "this information I have to give is double talk."she said "no its not just new light". My mother was raised jw and she told me about there 1975 baloney which was denied by the witnesses when I started studying. my mother left the borg as soon as she left home and was mad at me at first, when I started studying because it kept me out of trouble but cried when she seen my blood card anyway, now ten or 11 years later I have to sugar coat this 1975
and other doctrinal changes that were once the truth.I admit when they made that change concerning the generation at the convention in 94 I was pissed off and felt the same feeling throughout the convetion at the point it was discussed. Now it was 1998 and I had
to give this talk to string the brothers along further into believing were still living in the end. The night came to give that talk, how did I give it? I found the 1975 article that hype the brothers up and the article expaining that 1975 mishap after the 1975 past from the borg watchtower words twisted and full of it. I can see the looks on the brother faces as I gave the talk I was not convincing myself, and I was not going to say anythingin my own words concerning the information.I read the information straight from the borg wacthtower mouthpiece. I knew the audience knew I did not beleive what I was reading from the watchtower myself.I never sugar coated the info just found information on how the watchtower justified themselves and there predictions and how us as Jehovah people should feel.We had bethel elders one of them wanted to talk to me about the talk when the meeting was over, he never did. That was my last talk I gave and I read it straight from the wt 76 7/15 I just read the watchtower explaination of there interpretations of the end and the new understanding made concerning them. The reaction of the audience from the look on there faces was that I was not convince of the talk and gave it with no conviction.I remember back in the 1994 convention when they gave the talk on the Generation change there was an uncomfortable feeling throughout yankee stadium I'll never forget it was eerie. There is an article from the society ENTITLED why are you looking forward to 1975? Yes, the society made that statement and written an article to mislead the brothers to look forward to 1975 which every jw denied but read the article.There is an article ENTITLED would you spread a rumor? This article was written because of the hidden images in the art work that were being notice.you read the article the society knows its true in your denying face The subliminal images are in the articles, there occultic symbols. The very reason why its not notice by an average Jehovah witness being that they don't know what occultic symbols look like since the watchtower discourages spiritism, but yet they the false prophet practice it in your face by means of the watchtower and awake magazines as well as there other publications, so the staff who never give there names as artists of the watchtower incorporates them in the innocent beautiful paradise art work to hide there true intentions of who there really serving. I called a friend on the phone and asked him to get his revelation book and look at a certain picture, he was shocked, I pointed out another picture to a bethelite , He admitted it then turns around at another meeting with him and another brother to deny it. The other brother did not want to look. Its your books, you put it in people houses for crying out loud you call the truth. People its there articles they write and draw up the art work nvere give there names because there to cowardly to give there names, the finger is at them take your brain out your ass and use it stop being in denial is over it. IN THE COURT OF LAW YOUR GUILTY OF ALL OF THE ABOVE, THE PROOF IS IN YOUR OWN HANDS, IN YOUR HOUSE,SO STOP PUTTING IT IN OTHER people houses AS JEHOVAH WITNESSES you claim to be the truth when actully it's a lie and we all know were the lie orignates.
P.S ARE YOU LIVING FOREVER YET? THEN DON'T CALL ME A LIAR UNTIL YOU DO. THEY SAY, BLIND FAITH JUSTIFY ANYTHING WITH NO PROOF. i was once blind now i can see through you and your watchtower and the proof is in your hands,in your house, is HIDDEN your face and YOUR too blind to see it THE OCCULT IS POWERFUL.
THE REAL TRUTH STANDS THE TEST OF TIME IT, WILL NOT CHANGE, IF IT DOES ITS A LIE.The sun will rise, The sun will set,AN EXAMPLE of The real TRUTH nobody can change.