Just a note for all those who have not been to a Circuit Assembly latley. I went with the wife to keep peace in the family and thought those on the board would like to see the Program. Of interest was the last talk "Pay Constant Attention to Divine Instruction". This was given by a Bethel speaker. Just to show how screwed up the WTBS is and warped, the scripture that was used to defend the WTBS and trash the apostates was 1 John 4:1. As you can quess the theme of the talk was beware of apostates, internet, and maybe TV. So what do you do when you "test the inspired expressions" get DF? I am posting the program so you can see the BS I had to sit through.
Circuit Assembly
by mann377 4 Replies latest jw friends
Just a note for all those who have not been to a Circuit Assembly latley. I went with the wife to keep peace in the family and thought those on the board would like to see the Program.
I hated that! My condolences.
Of interest was the last talk "Pay Constant Attention to Divine Instruction"... the scripture that was used to defend the WTBS and trash the apostates was 1 John 4:1. As you can quess the theme of the talk was beware of apostates, internet, and maybe TV.
The talk should have been named "Pay Constant Attention to WTS Instruction."
Their scared of the possibility that people in the congregations will start thinking for themselves again and they will lose their power and control over them.
So what do you do when you "test the inspired expressions" get DF?
Only if you fail to perform the nessasary mental gymnastics to make the WTS right at all times and come the conclusion that their wrong about something! hahahaha
I noticed a title of one talk was "Listening When God Speaks Safeguard Us" when what the title should really be is, "Listening When the Sock Puppet Speaks Safeguard Us."
That would be the truthful thing to say since the GB likes to put words in Gods mouth and distort the truth about His people's freedoms as individuals!
I wish the program looked more like this.
9:40 Boring music, nobody pay attention
9:50 Song 42 and prayer
10:00 Why listen to the Watchtower? (Because we profit when you do)
10:15 Families that waste their lives by listening to the Watchtower
10:40 Doing all things for the Watchtower's glory
10:55 Song 155 and Announcements to be heeded or else!
11:05 Listening when the Watchtower speaks keeps us in line
11:35 Dedication and baptism -- enslaving new ones to the Society
12:05 Finally, the concluding song 13 and lunch break
1:20 More boring music
1:30 Song 18 -- talk to your friends and saunter over to your seat
1:35 Fake or exaggerated experiences
1:45 Rehash of the Watchtower -- nap time
2:15 How attentive listening to the Watchtower ruins our lives
2:30 Little ones who get indoctrinated because they don't know better
2:45 Song 183 and announcements -- bathroom break
2:55 Pay Constant Attention to Us at the Watchtower -- we know what's best for you
3:55 Escape time: Song 47 and Prayer
That REALLY IS the program!!! hahahah
My Parents just had their Circus Assembly and told me not to bother sending them anymore emails because they would be closing their account with AOL.
But in a happy little twist my parents are moving so my Dad has a bunch of bound volumes (as far back as the 50's) and he had my Hubby help him bring them down to the trash!!! He said he doesn't need them anymore, he can get them on CD.
But it was still fun to watch!