Oh man, you gotta read this one. Talk about a freaking double standard! The Question from Readers in the October 1st, 2004 WT asks:
When the apostle John wrote that "perfect love throws fear outside," what did he mean by "perfect love," and what "fear" is thus thrown outside?
".....The context show that John was discussing freeness of speech--specifically the relationship between love of God and freeness of speech toward Him. This can be seen from what we read in vs. 17: "This is how love has been made perfect with us, that we may have freeness of speech in the day of judgment." The degree to which a Christian loves God and senses God's love for him has a direct effect on his freeness of speech--or the lack of it--when he aproaches God in prayer.........if his love for God and his feeling of God's love for him are fully developed, he is not hampered by fear of condemnation or rejection. Rather, he enjoys freeness of speech in expressing what is in his heart and in asking for forgiveness onthe basis of the random sacrifice....." yada, yada, yada.........
So if we have freeness of speech in our relationship with God, why can we be disfellowshipped for "independent thinking" and for "going against the Faithful & Discreet Slave Class" if we publically say we don't agree with something they've said or done. How exactly is it that we have "freeness of speech"??? Seems to me from reading the above scripture, that Jehovah isn't nearly as judgmental as the hairy he-goats in Crooklyn.