An excerpt from the Proclaimer's book, an amazing piece of historical fiction, pp 350-351
"The Watch Tower Society has always endeavored to use all the resources at its disposal to further the preaching of the good news... Right down to the present, the organization uses available funds to send out traveling overseers to fortify the congregations and to encourage them in their public ministry....It also uses whatever funds are available to send special pioneers into areas where little or no preaching of the Kingdom message has yet been done. As reported in the 1993 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, during the previous service year, $45,218,257.56 (US) was expended these ways."
Considering their assets, even back then, 45 million is nothing to brag about.
Then, further down on page 351:
"Those who are accepted for special full-time service at the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses all subscribe to a vow of poverty, as have all the members of the Governing Body and all the other members of the Bethel family there. This does not mean that they live a drab life, without any comforts. But it does mean that they share, without partiality, the modest provisions of food, shelter, and expense remimbursement that are made for all in such service."
Let's see... the GB shares their same food, lodgings, and comforts with those volunteering at Bethel? There is no partiality?
I would love to hear from Bethelites who can confirm that statement.