Mrs Eyeslice and I have a very close friend in the "truth" who has recently had a torrid time breaking up with her non-JW husband. She has been very emotionally drained and down just lately, feeling she has nothing ahead of her. But come on, she is only 38 years old, is a very attractive lady and has most of her adult life ahead of her.
An incident from my Sunday morning run brought this out to me.
I was out running (jogging really) on Sunday morning when I caught up with an old guy also out for a run. I joggled along side him for a bit, and told me a bit about himself. He is 83 years old, runs 3 miles every day (with 5 miles on Sundays). He's ran for years and for his age is extremely fit for his age, both mentally and physically. So I got to thinking, here is a guy who is approximately 31 years older than me. 31 years ago, I was 20 years old, and my adult life was only just beginning. I wasn't married at the time, hadn't got kids (who are nearly grown up). Looking back, I have done so much since then. Now, if I am lucky enough to have another 31 years of good health and fortune ahead of me, my life isn't yet half over!
So, for those of you who have struggled in the "truth", have struggled to leave, and now struggle on the outside, don't despair - I am sure that most of you guys have proverbial glasses that are well over half full.