Angie Zeledon, 5, cousin to the Meza children
Mezza Children?s Fund
As many of you know, in September terrible murders happened. There is a survivor, to this family who are left without a mother and an uncle who is struggling against great odds.
The Meza Fund is set up to be disbursed on
The other 50% will be presented in two equal checks to the local chapters of the Red Cross and Children's Attention Home. You can make your tax deductible donation to "silentlambs-MCMF" (Meza Children's Memorial Fund).
Often when you make a donation you wonder where the money goes. This fund will go one hundred percent to help those directly involved. Silentlambs has donated the first one hundred dollars to help get this fund started. After the first week, there was about $350 in the fund.
I think in light of all that has happened to children, families and friends, lately on this board. We can do so much to help those faced with life altering events like this. A $5.00 donation from everyone can go a long ways. Let?s, finish out this fund for Janet Meza and start a general fund for families who face so much while dealing issues, like this. If we can bring awareness and prevention along with it, all the better!