Okay, so did anyone else have this problem? I went away for the weekend of Oct. 24. When I came back, my computer was all messed up and the automatic logon for this site had been screwed up. I couldn't log in. Then, I found out I had accidentally erased the email with my password. So, I requested that my password be emailed to me. HA! What a joke. I got an error message. I tried everyday (several times) until today, and it finally worked!! I am so glad to be back.
Good to be back!
by nb-dfed 4 Replies latest jw friends
Happy Guy :)
Yes everyone has had this problem. The site Admin was trying different things on the site and it caused some fproblems which have since been resolved.
Me too, I must have tried a dozen attempts this evening and finally got in.
Even technelogically speaking we still get a glitch in the hip.
Sorry; that was my cat posting.
I was out forever too. It was kind of nice, LOL!