The story of Zev
As told by Zev
{Who now controls his own thinking}
my original "hello" post was here:
I’m a late thirties man how has come to realize that there is something wrong with the wtbts. How I came to this revelation, is a long story. Way back in the late 80’s, early 90’s when I was an m.s. I saw an awful lot of inconsistencies with how things were being done in my congregation. Like a lot, I choose to chalk it up to, imperfect men.
We had a problem with one of my stepsons. He got into some trouble. We choose to get the help of “loving” servants of god. As with most cases like this, he was help by being given the appropriate dose of d.f’ing. {Actually, disassociated was what they did to unbaptized offenders at the time, different name, and same result}
That action caused my first glimmer of independent thinking. It didn’t seem right to me.
Shortly after I stepped down from being an m.s. I did so, by waiting till the c.o. to arrive, and giving him a letter stating I no longer could serve as an m.s. You know that caused a few problems.
You see, I “thought” that men were assigned to these positions by Holy Spirit. It became evident after my short tenure, that this wasn’t the case. It was more a case of whom you knew and whom you blew.
I remained stagnate for may years, just going and filling the bare minimum. I knew that there were questions, but either I didn’t really want them or didn’t have the time to get my answers.
Last year, I resolved to investigate this cult and see what it was I believed in. I have been in this for almost 40 years, and have known nothing else.
One thing led to another. I stumbled across some references to jw molestation. And how the victims were the punished ones, and the offenders often kept their positions and continued to molest, abuse.
At first I chalked this up to some nutcases letting off steam. I began book marking the things I came across for research at a later time.
Hundreds of bookmarks. To much to read, but I figured, someday.
Someday came. I started looking at all the pros and cons, much against the wise council of mother Borg, reading things about jw’s “online”. The truth was easily exposed.
And you would think someone with 40 years under his belt would have seen this long ago, and woke up. So for about 6 months…I struggled with my newfound truth about the truth. I found this site and joined. I posted. I commented. But most of all, I lurked, reading the stories of other victims, how the wtbts has victimized them. I tried to tell my wife what I learned. This turned out horrible. That story is located here…
So now I sit and wait. Wait for her to wake up. I wait for the day that the wtbts is exposed. I wait for the day god judges the wtbts for the wrongs they have perpetrated.
Oh…. did I forget to mention? After doing all of the research on child molesters, wasn’t it a shock to find out this late in life, that my sister had been molested by an m.s. When we were kids?
Yes…. another victim. Another silent lamb.
That’s the quick and short of my story.
Now feeling the pain of sitting on the pickets class.