Pioneer School book - 1977

by keeshah 1 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • keeshah

    So I'm getting ready to put my Pioneer school book on ebay... I'm thumbing thru it and find this on page 252, "Why is it urgent that we help God-fearing persons to see the need to flee now from ANY connection with Babylon the Great? (Rev. 18:4)"

    I realize that this is old, boring news, but they just REALLY tick me off! We were expected to follow everyone of there man-made rules without questioning them at all. Does those rules apply to the big shots sitting in Brooklyn?! I guess not.

    Now I'm thinking about keeping the book, questioning my mother about the whole "NGO thing", and showing this to her. Oh wait... she will label me as an apostate and cut what little contact she has with me off completely. Those old farts REALLY have all their bases covered ,don't they?!

  • keeshah

    Oh, wait!... Babylon the Great and the Scarlet covered wild beast are not the same are they?

    Maybe I should have studied harder when I was a JW. Then again... maybe not. LOL!

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