Do any of you know if he is placing orders, hand picked, for dried green salad.
Are the camels (cigarretes) from Irak giving him headache? (and want to try a more western, softer product, and a closer to home supplier?)
by one 5 Replies latest social current
Do any of you know if he is placing orders, hand picked, for dried green salad.
Are the camels (cigarretes) from Irak giving him headache? (and want to try a more western, softer product, and a closer to home supplier?)
Jet Crashes En Route to Get Former President Bush - Wired News - 16 minutes ago
Plane crashes on way to get Bush - - 1 hour ago
Plane Meant To Pick Up Bush Sr. Crashes In Texas
Turn to, RI - 21 minutes ago
... A spokesman said the elder Bush was scheduled to board that plane so he could attend a business conference in the South American country. ...
Plane crash kills 3; was to pick up ex-president Bush
CNN International, GA - 9 minutes ago
... investigating the incident, as it does with all crashes. Bush canceled his Monday trip to Ecuador, where he ... FAA spokesman Roland Herwig said the plane is owned ...
Very interesting.
did your website went offline for while?,
did you fall to sleep and could not keep it up?
BEDsides, you are living ahead (and getting the newest news) of anyone living on the west side of the Atlantic salty pond.
Actually it is november 23 on your side of the pond.
Just doing some maintenance.
my last posting did not appear.
for a moment i thought "the higher" authorities shut down your site for security mesuares... you know a comb, two bUSHES a flying bird... AND the wt (tacit, implied) in this ridiculy short thread can easily bring up a red flag.