It's that time of year again and the age old problem of conflict between the WTS and the worldly family emerges once more. So to all you lurkers and newbees let me just say this. Forget the religious aspect of the pagan origins of these times. Forget the rhetoic of how God will feel if you succumb to the spirit of the Holidays. The WTS pick and choose what God gets angry about and what He is cool with. And they pick it based on their need to get YOU to alienate YOURSELF from anyone who is not a JW. This time of year is not a test of your loyalty to GOD, but a test of your loyalty to the commands of the WTS! This holiday time is important to the WTS to reinforce the pain and insults and shame caused by your not sharing this time with those who, if not for the WTS, would be the ones you would count on in troubled times. I can attest that inspite of how you treat your family they will be the ones to help you and not the WTS when you need help the most. The WTS is a jealous, petty, selfish god who takes great joy in the suffering its slaves do for it.
Happy holidays! Maverick