Goodbye America

by Pleasuredome 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pleasuredome

    yes, i'm leaving the land of SUV's today, 2 months after i arrived. its been great to see more of california and oregon. went to mexico for the first time which was the highlight of my travels here.

    it can be a little boring being on your own sometimes, but i made some friends along the way. it was good to meet up with some of u guys in corona. next time i come back it will have to be with someone special as there are so many beautiful places to see, and as long as the government in the US has become anymore extreme.

    im not disappointed to be leaving but im not looking forward to be going back to england. maybe i need to go on some more travels lol.

  • frenchbabyface

    im not disappointed to be leaving but im not looking forward to be going back to england.

    ... (funy thing, I like my place but never felt bad somehowere else as far as I could get my own/personnal place)

    maybe i need to go on some more travels lol.

    So you're on your way to become a Globe trotter ?

  • redhotchilipepper

    I'm glad you had a good time and made some new friends. Have a safe trip home or if your already there enjoy being home. It's always nice to sleep in your own comfy bed again after being away.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Bye.... we'll miss you here in sunny California....

    (although today it's friggin cold here at 57 degrees)

  • freedom96

    It was nice meeting you in Corona. Best wishes with your travels back, and come back any time!

  • Carmel

    Sorry we didn't hook up in Oregon. Too bad you didn't make it to Alaska, then you could have said you were somewhere!

    Hope your trip home goes well..

    I'll be in Picadilly Sq, next fall.


  • Xena

    You never made it to Texas

    Glad you had a nice trip!

  • chok

    Didnt know you had been travelling Pleasuredome! England isnt that bad, surely????

    Welcome back!


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