Another post brought this memory back to me. It's a really stupid situation which resulted in my mother ceasing communication with the next door neighbour. I believe it happened when I was in grade one.
My mother was supposed to meet me at my elementary school. When school was dismissed, I looked for my mother. I waited, and I didn't see her. I started to get worried, but I figured she may have forgotten. I decided to do what was logical, I walked home. I tried to open the door and ring the bell, but nobody was home. So I did the next logical thing, I went to the neighbor's house. I knocked on the door and told them my situation. They invited me in and would let me wait there until my mother came home. They had 3 kids and I enjoyed playing with them.
About 30 minutes later, my mother came to the neighbor's house and discovered that I was there. The neighbor explained my situation, but my mother started an arguement with her, and decided to never talk to her again. I was also ordered not to talk to her or play with her kids.
I figured that this was stupid, and I approached one of the kids at school. I told them that regardless of what our parents thought, we should remain friends. Secret friends. That's exactly what I did until they moved away.
My mother brings this up every once in a while, and tells me how wrong the neighbour was to take me in. I've tried telling her the story, but she denies that I remember anything.
I think it's still stupid to this day.