Reasons To Be Faithful - Part 2.

by Englishman 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    Part 1.

    Because, if you are unfaithful to your spouse and embark on an adulterous affair, you will incur the wrath of Jehovah which will lead to you being disfellowshipped and ultimately being slain by his hand at armageddon.

    Part 2.

    You would never do such a thing because you love your partner too much.

    ..and therein lies the rub.

    I've known many newbie-ex's who have played around once they've decided to leave the JW's. In many cases it was because they hadn't even thought about Part 2 above. Part 1 was such a dominating factor that when they left they abandoned that belief. Only in hindsight did they see that Part 2 was of much greater value.

    It just never had a chance to grow.


  • Pole

    Great point Englishman.

    It shows that at least parts of WTS morality are based on lies, and however powerful they are, they only work for some people for some time (I'm sure even many active JWs don't believe in them).

    Living for a doctrine turns you into an emotional monster who is 100% convinced of his/her rightousness and for whom people are only of secondary importance.

  • Maverick

    You're a very wise man Mike. Of course with such a fantastic and beautiful wife as you have I know no such evil EVER entered your head! Look forward to sharing a beer while I'm in England next June! Mav

  • Englishman
    Look forward to sharing a beer while I'm in England next June

    Excellent news!

    You're welcome to come and stay, we'd be delighted to see you again.


  • FairMind

    Agree absolutely! Christians (real Christians) don't need rules because they are governed by the law of LOVE. Love for God and one's fellow man is a powerful force that works righteousness in the way God intendted.


  • MegaDude

    Being let off the cult leash offers the opportunity of choices never before acceptable in your previous life as a Dub. The amount of choice can be overwhelming. I would attribute a lot of marital breakups to couples leaving the JWs simply being that the people in the relationship don't know who they are or where they are going in life, or even what they really want. In a sense, you have a whole, brand new life to construct. IMHO the relationships that have survived a cult exit were good relationships, good enough to survive that kind of stress.

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