Reading this really fascinated me in that it makes you realize how minute the JWs are in the history of apocalyptic cults, and how narrow one's world can become when one is living within the prism of such a mind-bending cult, in comparison to the largest religions of the world, and what small parts these cults play in the grander scheme of things, whatever that is. Here is the introduction, and link:
"The 21st century has begun in earnest! And despite the cries of doomsayers, psychics and prophets, the world has not come to an end!
Is the idea that the End is near a recent phenomenon? Far from it. Indeed, Chicken Littles have crying doom since ancient times. The aim of this page is to debunk end-time prophecy by listing hundreds of failed doomsday predictions, allay the fears spread by end-time preachers, and demonstrate that doomcrying is nothing new. I also hope you will derive amusement from some of the more bizarre prophecies.
I have strived for accuracy through careful cross-referencing among source materials. I'm constantly adding new information and correcting mistakes, yet there may still be some errors.
Please journey with me through the wild, wacky and wonderful world of failed doomsday prophecy!"
Country Girl