Choosing life vs death

by JustTickledPink 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • JustTickledPink

    I watched "the hours" last night on TV and there is Julianna Moore talking about how depressed she was in her loveless marriage that she thought about suicide. Then she decided that her life in that marriage was death. She changes her mind about suicide and choose to LIVE, she chooses life.

    She walked away from her husband and her 2 kids and abandoned them... it's really so sad in the movie... but her line really got to me that "that life was death, I chose life, I left"

    I made me think of the whole JW thing, they preach armeggedon and death and destruction... and then if you leave they preach you are going to get DESTROYED!!! But in all reality, they give up life to be a JW, they give up every year they are alive... they don't treasure life and how precious it is. They are waiting to live, someday down the road. They don't enjoy life today, they can't have happiness because they believe everything is gettin destroyed, and there is no happiness in "this system" but that is FALSE!

    Wake up... the gift of life is TODAY. If you leave you CHOOSE TO LIVE! Yes, in leaving you choose life. Quite the opposite of what they preach and lie to you.

    God gave us life (if you believe in God) and it's really meant to be LIVED each and every day... there is happiness possible, all around us.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff


    Well said -

    For the 30 some years that I was an active witness, my Dad always told me the same thing - I gave up everything to be one of those people - and when I started having doubts and missing meetings - where were they? I lost 9 family members in just over two years - including my step-Mom and my real Mom and my only Brother - since my brother was a witness, the witnesses came in droves to the funeral. Otherwise I never had a concerned elder even send a card - no flowers, - in short NO LOVE.

    So all that I gave up for these 'friends' was not even enough to merit simple love and respect in the time of one's deepest losses. And I am -technically at least- still in good standing. How sad.

    Well now, even though my presence on these boards indicates a difficulty in shedding the organization and it's effects - I am moving forward and living - my Dad and I play golf twice a week - I enjoy life, smell the flowers. I am living now. And I am living a Christian lifestyle too. I hope to live under the care of Christ, however he arranges that, on heaven or earth. But I am not waiting to live. I am doing it now.

    Thanks for posting such a positive outlook for us all...


  • Fleur
    Wake up... the gift of life is TODAY. If you leave you CHOOSE TO LIVE! Yes, in leaving you choose life. Quite the opposite of what they preach and lie to you.

    Very good post...this is something that all who have left the dubs especially those who have lost so much of their families need to hear and remember.

    I had posted some similiar thoughts in a thread that I titled "Millions now dying will never have lived." They don't understand that we only have one shot at this life and no one can really know in advance what is afterward.

    Live now, and also plan for your future (retirement, etc) which is something else that JW's don't do. They think that the fairy tale is going to sweep in and save them...and so many people are struggling now as elderly folks because the WTS future is a lie.

    Thanks for the positive post!

    p.s. (about The Hours, glad I never saw it. As a mom, it's hard for me to imagine a woman ever leaving her kids. Leaving a man I can understand, but the kids? I guess there would have to be reasons...and maybe the kids would be better off without a mother who really didn't want them but the scars when a parent (man or woman) walks away from their kids are lifelong...) I'm glad I left the religion but if it had meant leaving my young child...I couldn't have done it. I had to take her with me.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    funny, how a movie can so clearly make you see it all.

    For me; it started 25 odd years ago when I saw the movie, "Logans Run"; All those people putting on masks to be "reborn" ; were in fact disintegrated. It hit me so suddenly and severly that I reacted to it:

    "life in the new world...." is that where I am going?

    The questions started and were so conveniently aided and abetted by many hypocritical "goings on" in the congregations of which my family were exposed to. Yes, even back at that time the hypocrisy was all over.

    I was young enough to stop the full time pioneering and start a new life.

    All these years later I have never regretted my decision to " GET OUT".

  • frenchbabyface

    ... ...

  • frankiespeakin

    Interesting viewpoint! Very positive.

    I think death is something we all will experience eventually,,, we were born to die after all(evolution,),, and when we do we might say if you can say anything all :

    "That wasn't so bad after all,,What was all that fuss about????Hmmmm?? O yeah a over active ego,,well I guess he really got into his job didn't he,,, scaring me so much that I lost sleep and forgot to stop and smell the roses on the way."

  • frankiespeakin

    Think about the reason why we choose life vs death.

    Evolution favors choosing life,, it is a natural outcome to every species alive to choose life even if it is to die eventually. No species could expect to evolve very much if that species was choosing death over life. I could be wrong about this,, so it is only my opinion.

    The fact that we grow older,,get tired more as we age,,have less health may be a great big blessing in disguise,,,?? Could you imagine if as we got older we kept getting stronger and stronger,,and our life was getting better and better every day and then we had to face death??And we need death for evolution to work..

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