I watched "the hours" last night on TV and there is Julianna Moore talking about how depressed she was in her loveless marriage that she thought about suicide. Then she decided that her life in that marriage was death. She changes her mind about suicide and choose to LIVE, she chooses life.
She walked away from her husband and her 2 kids and abandoned them... it's really so sad in the movie... but her line really got to me that "that life was death, I chose life, I left"
I made me think of the whole JW thing, they preach armeggedon and death and destruction... and then if you leave they preach you are going to get DESTROYED!!! But in all reality, they give up life to be a JW, they give up every year they are alive... they don't treasure life and how precious it is. They are waiting to live, someday down the road. They don't enjoy life today, they can't have happiness because they believe everything is gettin destroyed, and there is no happiness in "this system" but that is FALSE!
Wake up... the gift of life is TODAY. If you leave you CHOOSE TO LIVE! Yes, in leaving you choose life. Quite the opposite of what they preach and lie to you.
God gave us life (if you believe in God) and it's really meant to be LIVED each and every day... there is happiness possible, all around us.