Do We Live in the Past to Try and Control the Future?

by frankiespeakin 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    From what we know about time I think I can say: The exact instance of present before it becomes past must be very small perhaps 10 to the negative 34 i think there is some formula they use and call it "Plank time" something or other.

    So then if it takes our mind say takes 1/50th of a second to relay what it is percieving then when we get these images and impressions of these things that have already become the past,, do you see what I mean? Also all memory is of the past,,the mind stores memory to help it guide the body in what to do to make it comfortable,,and safe in the future but never really for the present. The jump is from past to future with no present.

    The mind in order to live in present would have to have FTL(faster than light)(spooky action at a distance) communication be in a kind of Quantum mode of communication of thought or consciousness. I think that would be blissfull. At least that's what i have heard and I can only imagine it to be true,,since I don't think I have ever experienced it,,sometimes I feel it almost in grasp and then it vanishes. Probably just some vainity.

  • Golf

    So when & what you wrote was it the past, future, or present? Guest77

  • frankiespeakin



  • Satanus

    I think that to be in the present, you have to stop everything that you are doing, and do nothing. Just sit and meditate passively. Maybe that's why eckhart tolle sat on a park bench for months blissing out. But i could be wrong.


  • frankiespeakin


    I think I heard that this living in the present,,requires a resting mind,,but I also heard that the mind can do it's normal work with memory and thought while in this state of now awareness.

    I do think from my own experience that living close to the present or now in you mind does relieve stress. Like when your mind becomes wrapped up in a hobby or playing music.

  • confusedjw

    Personally I do this all too often.

  • frankiespeakin


    We all do,,that's probably why so many of us are nerotic.

    I can see where if we live in the now and occaisionally dip into the past,, life would be much more enjoyable.,, fear and worry are caused by memory of some bad experience that is used to predict a gloomy worry riden furture.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    frank -

    How does that affect 'present truth' then? Does it become past truth before it gets printed? Or does it erase the past and replace it with the present view , that is now in the past, till it has past?


  • Descender

    Well, being the fact that our thought process does not move at the speed of light, then all of our thoughts are in the past, so to speak. We can all think and plan for the future, but nothing is definite except for the past, so literally our past, present, and future thoughts are all past thoughts, even if they are a fraction of a second old. So I guess telling someone to stop living in the past would be an impossibility to accomplish.

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