I just wondered if anyone has done a head count of ex-witnesses? Or a rough estimate? I figure over a period of say 30 years there are as many who are out as there are in, do you think that is way off?
by Balsam 3 Replies latest jw friends
I just wondered if anyone has done a head count of ex-witnesses? Or a rough estimate? I figure over a period of say 30 years there are as many who are out as there are in, do you think that is way off?
I think you would have to count: 1) those raised in it and not baptized; 2) those affiliated with it, like book studies; 3) unbaptized publishers; 4) children; 5) old folks forced to go by family members in service.
It's all so very subjective!
I would venture to gather that there are far more out than in, as far as those that have been affiliated with it.. but who knows? One thing we all *do* know, is that eventually TRUTH will win out over the Truth.
Country Girl
I think you may be right on there are as many out as there are in. I wouldn't know the head count though.
However, I wonder if we should count the ones who lead double lives and the ones who go just to get approval of family or spouse etc...
I did the approval thing for awhile but now I am just inactive and maybe some day full blown EX JW! I just hate to loose my family.
Brooke WI
For one very rough measure of the past 30 years, count up the annual number of baptisms since 1974, and then add the number of attendees to the 1974 memorial minus the number of baptisms for 1974-1975 (to rule out counting twice Bible studies who attended the Memorial and were later baptised the following year) and minus the estimated number of children who attended the 1974 Memorial who were later baptised (not sure what value this should be -- 5 % of the 1974 attenance maybe?). Then adjust for the death rate (1%). Now, once you've done that, compare with the number of attendees to the 2004 Memorial, and see what the difference is.
I'm sure this could be summarized in a formula. What this measure would leave out, of course, are those who began studying after 1974 or were born after 1974 and who either died, left, or were not yet baptised by 2004. That would prolly be another big proportion too.