Do Only Apostates Read the Magazines?

by metatron 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Frequently, in coming to this site, I have to laugh. We read and carefully study much of

    the Society's literature to a degree that vastly exceeds most Witnesses. Secondary articles

    and most anything that isn't dumbed down to a grade school level gets freely ignored by the


    Add to this the testimony of Crisis of Conscience - and others - that even GB members

    skip reading thru many publications. The old days - when 'mature' Witnesses used to gather

    together and speculate on Bible prophecy and the latest magazines seem as gone as slide

    rules and buggy whips. I used to cringe whenever I heard some Witness say " wow, that

    was deep" or "it's hard to find time to read the magazines" - Really? How can it take

    you more than a few seconds to zip thru any Awake?

    and to think, this cult started with people pouring thru seven volumes of Studies in the

    Scriptures...... my, my, my.


  • OldSoul

    Nothing new there. Study is not safe. You might learn something and risk losing your dovelike innocence...

  • MungoBaobab

    Yeah, I've laughed a few times at the irony of it all.

    We can't wait to get our hands on the newest literature, can't wait to comment on what we read, speak to others about leaving false religion and seeing the truth, and the most important bit of research we can do is read publications made by a (former) member of the Governing Body.

    The more things change...

  • JustTickledPink

    I haven't read a magazine in 10 years and think I would poke my eyes out if I had to read one. The magazines are so trivial it seems, and re-hashed, I mean the SAME THING OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER... it's like beating a dead horse.

    I had a very hard time reading them when I was a JW, it wasn't because I didn't have the "time" it was because they bored me to tears.

  • mkr32208

    This is just too funny! I was always digging for answers and thinking when I was in the borg. I credit that with me being out now! When I talked to people who were still in they almost always said "you should have studied more" too which I always replyed "thats the problem, I studied too much!" I think if you study and REALLY meditate on things you can't stay in, not and be honest with yourself.

    I've really really noticed this recently many Jehovahs witlesses really don't know what they believe. Often if you get into a deeper issue many will say things that are no longer the accepted policy or never were the accepted policy! They always talk of unity but they have changed beliefs so many times that many of the older ones are just disconnecting, confussed as to what they believe!

    Just for fun take a current belief that disagrees and argue with the next witness that comes to your door I'll bet you five bucks they argue AGAINST what the new poliicy is... kinda sad isn't it!

  • GermanXJW

    I was always keen to get the newest magazines and read them asap. When I say "newest" I mean I had contacts to Bethel who gave me sometimes magazines right from the press. One our Secretary's wife said to me she had never seen someone so keen for the magazines.

    I hoped to see explanations/changes in the things I knew to be wrong. They have never come and now I do not care any more.

    Metatron, you mentioned the irony that JW started with the SitS. It also started with readers, than with colporteurs. Than wanted everyone selling their literature. They gave them cards to read from. Than they should talk on their own. But now they are back to the point of giving them full worded offers at the door.

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