Frequently, in coming to this site, I have to laugh. We read and carefully study much of
the Society's literature to a degree that vastly exceeds most Witnesses. Secondary articles
and most anything that isn't dumbed down to a grade school level gets freely ignored by the
Add to this the testimony of Crisis of Conscience - and others - that even GB members
skip reading thru many publications. The old days - when 'mature' Witnesses used to gather
together and speculate on Bible prophecy and the latest magazines seem as gone as slide
rules and buggy whips. I used to cringe whenever I heard some Witness say " wow, that
was deep" or "it's hard to find time to read the magazines" - Really? How can it take
you more than a few seconds to zip thru any Awake?
and to think, this cult started with people pouring thru seven volumes of Studies in the
Scriptures...... my, my, my.