Forget the JW Stats - Unicef report makes grim reading

by eyeslice 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • eyeslice

    Ok the 2004 JW service report is out / due out soon but so what? I gather it will show an increase of just 2% worldwide with many of the developed countries showing zero or practically zero growth. What a waste of all the time, effort and money putting into the "preaching work".

    Even when 'in', always felt that the 'high ups' in Brooklyn had no idea of what the world was really like and the the Society wasn't doing enough to help in places like Africa, South America, India, Bangaldesh, etc. Here are some stats we should care about. And, remember when you read these stats, that the JWs like to believe that God only cares about a mere 5.5 million people, men, women and children earth-wide.

    • 640 million children do not have adequate shelter
    • In the 1990s about 20 million children fled their homes because of war
    • In just two years (2001-03), 15 million children lost at least one parent to Aids
    • Unicef estimates that nearly half of the 3.6 million people killed in wars since 1990 have been children.
    • Millions more were displaced by conflict, or even forced to take part as child soldiers.
    • Aids is a growing threat to children, the report finds - not just through HIV infection, but because millions have been orphaned by the disease.

    As Christ said; "suffer the little children unto me".


  • candidlynuts

    true eyeslice.. .. the stats on aids alone are enough to make a thinking person sick. its really tragic.

  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    It would seem that religion and politics are alive and well - even when children are not.

    How many countries practice birthcontrol and/or use protection of any sort...

    How many countries worship their political leaders that keep them in ignorance and poverty...

    And the children always get the raw end of the deal, eh.

    Granny, "too pissed at the moment" class

  • JustTickledPink

    But the sooner we accomplish the witnessing work, the sooner armeggedon will be here, and the sooner that Jesus Christ as King will be able to solve all of those problems.

    Continue in the preaching work!!!! Onward ye soldiers!!!!


  • Maverick

    Sober facts my friend, and with even a moderate margin for error factored into the reporting of nit-witness work I doubt there was any growth. BS plus BS is still just a load of crap.

  • Mary

    I've often thought that it's such a shame that Witnesses don't do charity work, because I personally think they have great potential to make a difference in the world. If you could galvanize 6,000,000 to go out knocking on doors every Saturday, think of how much good that could do if they went and did real charifty work instead?! Not only would it help individuals, but I know from experience that I get alot more satisfaction from doing charity work than what I ever did knocking on doors.

    If the Organization stopped being so frigging obsessed with hours and books and magazine placements, and actually did the charity work that Jesus told his followers to do, then perhaps they would actually get some respect, and not be viewed as a pathetic joke by everyone.

  • seeitallclearlynow

    If the Organization stopped being so frigging obsessed with hours and books and magazine placements, and actually did the charity work that Jesus told his followers to do, then perhaps they would actually get some respect, and not be viewed as a pathetic joke

    Good point, Mary; a lot could be accomplished if the organization redirected its energies and members to do some real good.

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