blood, and how publishers are not to know what rules are really made

by DaCheech 8 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • DaCheech
  • DaCheech
  • Incense_and_Peppermints
  • eyeslice

    The average publisher is clueless about the rules. That is why, up until now, the publishers have to sign the cards in front of an elders. The elders and hospital liaison committe members are just as bad. As an elder, I once asked a liaison committe member about the treatment of minor children with leukemia, and was told not to worry that they would be made wards of court anyway.


  • Gollum

    Not to hijack a topic or anything......but.....

    OOOOHHHH a Chick Tract!!!! Anytime I think the world is not sufficently wacky, or that JW's have a lock on craziness, I just go read some of these. There was a great H.P. Lovecraft parody of these tracks floating around on the web, but I think its gone now due to Legal threats.

  • Leolaia

    So a child is dying and only has a few minutes left before a transfusion could be done, and the first thing the chaplain does is argue theology and christology! Silly....

  • Incense_and_Peppermints
    OOOOHHHH a Chick Tract!!!!

    ain't they cool?

  • Haelcer

    We read, that "Each elder should make several copies of this letter (including the information on the reverse side)."

    You have second side of this letter?

  • blondie

    I will say this though about many JWs, they don't want to know the specifics. They don't research or study the information the WTS does provide until an emergency comes up and then rather than read it, they run to the elders or the Hospital Liaison Committee (HLC). They are afraid of making the wrong decision and being DF'd so let the elders make the decision. Several JW RNs I know have acted as liaisons between the JW community and the surgeons in their area, setting up no blood clinics. All JWs have to do is file a healthcare proxy with the clinic some time prior to any surgery; not the day of because the clinic wants to be sure it is not a last minute decision. The clinics held an open house, over 100 JWs attended; proxies received, none. The doctors (and the JW RNs) are fit to be tied.

    Just as with most WTS issues, JWs live in the Land of Denial or LaLa Land.



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