I didn't know

by Undecided 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    My grandson is going to a private school that is run by a church. His home work assignment was about Jewish history in the bible. I didn't realize that I had forgotten all I had known about the bible. I haven't thought about it for 30 years. Questions like who was the first king of the Jews, who took over the Isarelites when Moses died, who was the Roman king who destroyed the temple in 70 AD, etc. I could have easily answered all the questions when I was a JW. I have been sucessful in purging my mind of all that history, or maybe old age took care of it.

    Ken P.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    That's stumper.

    Me either.

  • Undecided

    At least they had the date of the destruction of first temple in 539 BC right. They asked the question, who was the king that took them captive, not in 607BC but 539BC. Where did they worship during the time the temple was destroyed was another question I couldn't remember. Or was it 587???? See what I mean by I can't remember?

    Ken P.

  • FreePeace

    Hey Ken, I suffer from CRS when it comes to the bible too... and I'm proud of it. I hope you are getting along well, my friend.


  • googlemagoogle

    uh oh, that's bad! 539 B.C. was the fall of babylon, not the destruction of the temple. it was 587/586 B.C. when jerusalem was destroyed. you're obviously not a golfer!

  • Panda

    I had the same thing happen when talking to a friend... I was amazed at some very trivial dates I'd forgotten. Oh well, I believe I will live with it.

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