Do You Believe DREAMS Have Any Significance???

by minimus 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Do dreams mean anything special to you?

  • Mary

    Most of them--no. However, I sometimes have dreams which seem to come true----and it totally FREAKS me out when that happens!! A couple of them have been significant, but most of them aren't. I had a dream that my brother died in a car accident---2 years before he died in a car accident.

    I was sitting at my desk a few years ago working on our accounts, and I got that feeling of deja vu and I remembered having a dream where my boss came out and asked me to make reservations for him on a flight to Colorado so he could visit his daughter. He had only been my boss for a few weeks so it's not like this was a repeat trip......I have absolutely no idea what to make it, but it's really weird when that happens.

  • whyamihere

    I think for some people they do.

    For me no because I have really weird dreams. Ok, like my last one was about my Dead Grand father who died a few weeks ago. Also, my dad who just got re married. Anyway, it was so weird. Ok, My grandfather was marrying my dad and his new wife and he was an Elvis Impersonator. And everyone was dressed up like Elvis. And they were married in Las Vegas in a Casino next to the Black Jack table where I was sitting playing the game as my dad got married. The the Real Elvis came out and said "I will not have anymore of this". And made everyone take off thier Elvis costumes.

    I think if I told that to a dream expert they would say yeah it just means something is wrong with you. And that I have issues and need to deal with them!

    Brooke WI

  • frenchbabyface

    well ... in between premonitorious dreams (my father) and weird dreams that definitly had significances (myself) I can only answer that some do have a significance ...

  • BrendaCloutier

    You know the psychobabble where a person marries someone like their opposit sex parent? First marriage anyway.

    Well, my spousal unit, Kevan, is my mother. My mom was my critical parent, and Kevan is my mom in so many ways, including being semi-anal about a neat house. My mom is obcessive-compulsive. When I dream of my mom, it's often her being the critical parent, and I can usually interpret that to be Kev being overly critical of something (as he can be at times) or I feel he is going to be critical of something pending, and I'm working out my anger and frustration in my sub-conscious dream cycles. I find it helpful in being even-tempered when pointing out his criticisms.

    However, most dreams have little significance, except sometimes the extension of living dreams (like ours of moving to Hawaii).

    When I was learning to type, many of my dreams were in typewriter! When I was learning signlanguage (I used to translate at the hall) many of my dreams would be in signlanguage. I think it is the brain processing the learning into knowledge so the body can process the translations without thinking about them.

    Then there are the wonderful flying without an airplane dreams. I haven't had one of those in a while.

    Funny, but when I dream about ongoing subjects, i.e., Hawaii, my dreams pick up the same geography as in prior dreams, nothing to do with reality. Weird, that.

    Happy Holidays and Massive Hugs


  • whyamihere

    One time I had this dream that I had found a cure for cancer!

    It was so odd thinking rubbing lemons on your elbows and eating soda crakers at the sametime would cure cancer! I told you my dreams don't mean anything!

    Brooke WI

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Dreams have no significance whatsoever. Just the person's subconscious recalling on events already lived or wished upon.



  • darkuncle29

    I believe that some dreams may be significant; they might be your subconscious working through an issue that you can't face or resolve in the awake state.

    Then I've noticed too that many dreams are just your mind sifting through memories and events, sort of like defragmenting your hard drive. I have also noticed that when I do alot of an activity, that it tends to set a theme for my dreams. For example, when Nintendo first came out, and I started playing Super Mario Bros., I used to dream that I was the character punching blocks and stopming goombas. When I worked in a grocery store as a checker, I used to dream that I was cashiering--these dreams were dreadful, borderline nightmares as they never ended. I really hated that job, so maybe that was my way of trying to get myself to see that and get on with my life. I didn't though, I stuck with it for ten years.

    If I whatch a movie that interests me, I can have dreams in that "format".

    I think that in general, dreams are only meaningful if the individual can find meaning in them; that sounds like circular religious "crap reasoning", but it doesn't have to be. If someone flips you off in traffic, and you frankly don't care, then his gesture has no meaning to you.

  • frenchbabyface
    Darkuncle : I believe that some dreams may be significant; they might be your subconscious working through an issue that you can't face or resolve in the awake state.

    yeah they can be significant just for that reason of course ... (but there might be other reasons ... no real proof though ... so !)

  • minimus

    Does dreaming of a White Christmas mean anything?

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