by one 8 Replies latest social entertainment

  • one

    One of the pilots writes... (Joseph A. Hart)

    "There were also 9 tactical nuclear missiles that Soviet commanders in Cuba were delegated power to use. Neither class of weapon needed orders from Moscow to be fired. Any attempt to invade Cuba as was being pressed for by LeMay and Power would have been disastrous."

    Obviously, even today it would be "disastrous"...

  • Badger

    Cuba has weapons of Mass Destruction...we must attack now!

  • one

    Most likely not, just some reactors for electric power production.

    They are showing some other kind of desuasive (sp?) power.

  • Preston

    Wow, and I thought that Kevin Costner movie was full of shit...

  • Elsewhere

    The best way to keep world peace is to give every nation in the world at least one nuclear bomb and as many ICBM's.

    No nation is its right mind would invade another nation and any nation that used a nuke in an offensive manner, or provided nuclear weapons to terrorists would cease to exist 45 minutes later.

  • one

    Listen to this now,

    a hi ranking jw says cuba strong guy is protected by 7 demosns.

    No kidding, remember jw beleive satan gives power to whoever she wants. The JW guy is well respected i know him VERy well.


    Cuba is not Irak, these people (just 90 miles south usa) have been preparing for the worst for too many decades.

  • lawrence

    Cuba is kept at bay in a tidy fashion - as a threat. This threat helps the government to ratchet the budget for defense. This war machine (GOP and Democrats) and their business partners love it when countries get uppidy. More money goes to defense, bombs are dropped, asses are killed, and everybody makes bucks. Some countries are invaded, some are kept at arms length, its all good business. Nobody wanted Fidel dead, aside from the Cuban people. If the U.S. wanted Fidel gone, would that be a problem? Look at Noriega - 1 day, and no longer a buddy. The Cuban situation is a joke to Washington and a crying shame to the Cuban people.

  • one

    Noriega was a TOTALLY different ball game.

    Did you read the whole text at ?

    Also read about multiple failed attempts to kill the guy, it is amazing.

  • one


    what some nations are doing now is showing that the they have the CAPABILITY to set up transportable rocket/atomic/bomb in a matter of days.

    They say since we dont have anything in place... we are not provoking nor presenting a treat to anyone.

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