Random ramblings....

by maybesbabies 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • maybesbabies

    The air trembles as the plane approaches. Several miles off, presumably. The whine of the engines sharpen, and the sounds start to reverberate through the walls. It reaches a fevered pitch, somewhere over my roof. It makes me think of when my father would speak of the Korean war....the sound bombs made while falling, wailing through the air, unspeakably eerie, while men awaited their doom. I keep waiting for the crash, the shockwave to come echoing through the room, the fireball illuminating the darkened horizon outside my bedroom window. It can't possibly be landing, those noises must precipitate some certain doom, too low to the ground, too far to reach the runway.

    The shock comes when these things fail to pass. "When?" my mind cries, though I've learned better by now. Pavlov would be laughing merrily at my visceral reactions. So ready to accept the end of the world. Sirens blare down the street. Is this it? Sometimes, a sense of helplessness ensues.

    At times I feel that I am helpless to change not only the world, but the inner sanctum of my mind, which still tells me that maybe one day, there WILL be a paradise for all....but not how the mindless propaganda machine has invisioned it. When did the world abandon love, reason, and cooperation? When did it become good to separate, divide, conquer, achieve dominion over, enforce morals on, and generally forcibly mold someone to a minorities collective ideal? Why not seek Utopia?

    Religion can not do it. Ethics, unconditional love, true compassion, and empathy can.

    What would it take, to shed the scales from our eyes? Why is hate, anger, war, revenge, and sheer malicious brutality ever a force in our world? What makes a person turn to the side of cruelty? Why does one have to destroy another to sustain a comfortable life?

    It is remarkable, to me, that most people and religions around the world preach kindness, "family values": Christianity, Islam, Judaism, which all are, in their cores, geared to human survival and community, and yet, when it comes to practicing these ideals with our fellow man, we fail miserably. I simply can not understand why anyone would want to inflict harm on another. It reminds me of the two serpents, each eating the others tail. Is it really an infinite and destructive cycle, or can this "system of things" be changed for the better? I hope, for the sake of all humanity, that the world can some day look at the bigger picture.

  • Badger


    Do unto others...all the religions teach that...

    Change things yourself when you can. Litter less. Turn off the light. Use less gas. Pick up a friend. Think about why people do things instead of just reacting. make kindness your first foot forward. Think about what is fair, even if it means inconvienience.

    I doubt you I or anyone will solve any of the world's problems. But more of us and all of us can.

  • maybesbabies
    But more of us and all of us can.

    That is my biggest hope.

  • Fleur

    MB...reading your post brought a tear to my eyes, because being a parent, I want so much to think that life will be better in this world when my daughter is my age for her children than it is now for her. All I can think of is that famous quote:

    "We must be the change we wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi

    I can't change the world, I know that. But I can do all I can do, every day. Just the little I can do isn't much. But added together with what others can do, it's something.

    We can only do our best, and hope for the best.



  • maybesbabies
    MB...reading your post brought a tear to my eyes, because being a parent, I want so much to think that life will be better in this world when my daughter is my age for her children than it is now for her. All I can think of is that famous quote:
    "We must be the change we wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi

    I can't change the world, I know that. But I can do all I can do, every day. Just the little I can do isn't much. But added together with what others can do, it's something.

    We can only do our best, and hope for the best.

    hugs essie

    Essie, I use that quote often. In my worldview, it only takes a few people, who choose individually to live in a manner that is beneficial to humanity, to make progress. Love is catching. It is not about cults of personalities, stringent moral beliefs, or Hammurabic Law, lol! It's about basic tenets of acceptance and community. Greasing the wheels, so to speak, making life run smoothly for as much of the world as possible. The People, not the Powerful.


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