that any JWs that got out of the religion, only to go back are sincere to the JW way of life now that they are "back in"? I mean, they?ve had a taste of what it?s like on the outside, and be it due to family pressure, their own lack of faith or fear of the ?wordly ways? they chose to go back, there was clearly a reason they left in the first place. How can they be living up to the ideals if they?ve already lived the life they are warned against so much? Won?t they leave again
Do you believe....
by Seeking Knowledge 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think it depends on the person and many factors. I've seen many return and are seemingly just as "real" about it as ever, if not more so.
This reminds me of that scripture that talks about a person who's had demons exorcised, and, if leaving their mind blank, simply invites the demons back again, who cheerfully say: "Look! A house swept and clean!...and the circumstances of that person become 7-fold worse." (rough paraphrase)
Ergo, yes, some can leave and go back (as did I), seemingly with equal, or possibly even greater, enthusiasm and devotion. But the "circumstances" are such that subtle (and not-so-subtle) psychological and emotional damage is thereby self-inflicted: you can't un-know what you know.
One way or another, you pay the price for self-delusion.
I hope you're right. My wife spent time away for a while (that's when I met her) and then returned with more fervor than she ever had originally. This was induced by fears for her children at the big A. As you know the WTS teaches that children of worldly people will be destroyed along with their parents. I didn't know how to react at the time, unfortunately.