Mind of the fundamentalist

by A Paduan 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Fundamentalist: Please divert your course 15-degrees to the north, to avoid a collision.

    Quiet voice in the dark: Recommend you divert your course 15-degrees to the south to avoid a collision.

    Fundamentalist: This is the Captain of a US Navy ship and I say again, Divert your course.

    Quiet voice in the dark: No, I say again, you divert your course.

    Fundamentalist: This is the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, the second-largest ship in the United States Atlantic fleet. We are accompanied by three destroyers, three cruisers and numerous support vessels. I demand you divert your course 15-degrees north, that is one-five degrees north or counter-measures will be undertaken to ensure the safety of this ship.

    Quiet voice in the dark: This is a lighthouse.

  • under74

    I don't understand....maybe if you threw in a Bible verse or something about the rapture....or maybe I'm just tired...

  • nilfun

    A classic, LoL.

  • Elsewhere


    I don't understand....

    The fundamentalist refused to alter his "beliefs" despite all reasoning. He thought that he had an incredible force behind him (god), but nothing would have stopped the inevitable: Ship wreck.

    An analogy: Teaching teens to use birth control. A fundamentalist will fight against such a thing preferring to teach abstinence, despite the simple fact that teens are gonna "do it" anyway.

  • gumby

    It all comes back to one thing.......believers trust in supposed god ordained leadings rather than factual evidences.


    74......sometimes you gotta get deep inside Paduans head

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    That is so true.

    I was reading the other day how these fundies are pushing to replace evelution with creationism in the school science classes!! They refer to evelution as being a theory, but what the hell do they call creation? A belief that is based on faith and not on science. I guess they would love to take us back to the middle ages.


  • what_Truth?

    I heard a similar one once.

    There was a massive flood in Texas and a fudamentalist is standing on his rooftop with water to his ankles. A coast guard comes by in a rowboat and says 'Sir, we're evacuating this area get on board this boat and be saved" the man replies "No, the Lord will save me"

    The water gets high and is now up to the fundamentalist's waist. Another coastguard comes by in a motorboat and says 'Sir, we're evacuating this area get on board this boat and be saved" the man replies "No, the Lord will save me"

    Soon the water goes past the man's neck and he's treading water desperetly to stay alive. The coast gurad comes by in a helecopter they throw down a rope ladder and scream through a bullhorn "The water is still rising, you are in terrible danger climb up this ladder and be saved" The fundamentalist defiently replies "No, the Lord will save me". Just then he gets caught in an undertow and drowns.

    He wakes up in heaven facing the God. He says "God, I was a good faithful Christian my whole life. Why didn't you deliver me in my time of need?" God sighs and says "Look, I sent you a rowboat, I sent you a motorboat, I even sent you a helecopter. What more did you want?"

  • JustTickledPink

    I really hope there are pearly gates and my mom stands there wanting to know why she can't get in and Peter will say "I sent you two intelligent daughters and they tried to warn you, they tried to tell you and you wouldn't listen, you blindly followed my enemies and the Watchtower and that is why you are not allowed in, because you didn't follow the teachings of Christ"

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