Religious Freedom & The Care of Children

by Valis 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Valis

    It got me thinking about instances where the authorities have stepped in because of kids being put in harms way. We already know about several cases where one parent is at odds with another about blood transfusions for their child, or the authrotities step in. I was also thinking of how many of the pentecostal churches have been curbed from the practice of snake handling and even the more extreme cases like the Branch Davidians. I don't think any religious dogma is justification for losing all reason when it comes to caring for their kids. So, do you have instances or new items where the authorities have stepped in to save the kids?


    District Overbeer

  • Norm

    Hey Valis,

    In Norway the "law" steps in in every case where JW parents refuse to treat their children with the
    "forbidden" blood products. This is routine, as far as I know. Of course in most cases this suits both
    the parents and the WT fine. Imagine how their name would stink if the hospital actually took them serious.
    I bet you that after a few dead children, the GB would get "new light" awfully fast.

    In general all children should be protected against all kind of religion, it is probably one of the most
    harmful thing you can do to a child, filling it's head with religious nonsens.


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