One of the local elders - whom I loved dearly when we were in - just died.
Funny how when you get out of this organization your attitude in life completely reverses, huh? A year and half ago, just before starting the 'fade', I actually took my vacation days in order to attend the Sunday meetings (I work a weekend shift now). Now, one of my dearest past friends, who by the way was one of the primary 'shunners' of us, has died. My wife and I cannot stomach the idea of even going to the Hall for his memorial service (read: sales and recruiting drive). It just sickens us to think of being in the same room with 100 people who just 'boycotted' my mom's funeral a few months back - due to the shunning order on me - I am still not DF'd. I don't think I will go. I don't like heartless people, but don't want to appear that way to them either.