A Friend just died

by AK - Jeff 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    One of the local elders - whom I loved dearly when we were in - just died.

    Funny how when you get out of this organization your attitude in life completely reverses, huh? A year and half ago, just before starting the 'fade', I actually took my vacation days in order to attend the Sunday meetings (I work a weekend shift now). Now, one of my dearest past friends, who by the way was one of the primary 'shunners' of us, has died. My wife and I cannot stomach the idea of even going to the Hall for his memorial service (read: sales and recruiting drive). It just sickens us to think of being in the same room with 100 people who just 'boycotted' my mom's funeral a few months back - due to the shunning order on me - I am still not DF'd. I don't think I will go. I don't like heartless people, but don't want to appear that way to them either.


  • lv4fer

    My condolences. It is hard when we loose someone close to us. When you think about it he died to you when he started shunning you.

  • Been there
    Been there

    Please accept my condolences.

    It is never easy to lose an old friend. Have your own little memorial for the friendship lost and know he loved you at one time and still would have if he was in his right mind.

  • Kenneson


    Sorry to hear that your friend died. It's a tough call as to whether to go to the memorial service or not. Follow your heart.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Thanx all for your support and condolence. I think we will not go - for the reasons stated. We will send cards to all the family, which is much more than any did when Mom died in the summer.

    Thanx Again


  • Valis

    Ak, you could send flowers anonymously or something. Might help you anyways. Sorry for the loss of your friend as well.


    District Overbeer

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Thanx, Valis.


  • Fleur

    I'm so sorry :(



  • Country_Woman

    You could visit his grave the next day or so anmd left some flowers..... That way you are'nt disturbed by the JW's and you could pay your friend your last respect in peace...

    Feel for you.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    It's tough to lose someone.... my condolences. I hope the good memories of your friend confort you until you meet again. Remember, "death" is but a doorway - life is eternal. Take care.

    Double Edge

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