(TEST) Are You A Free Thinker ???

by Big Jim 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Jim
    Big Jim


    To find out, take this simple test. Give yourself 1 point for each of the following statements that you honestly agree with.

    1. I like DOS and I hate Windows.

    2. Even though I hate Windows, I like Windows 3.1 better than Windows 95.

    3. I used to own a CP/M computer and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

    4. I STILL own a CP/M computer and I'm not ashamed to admit it. (Give yourself two bonus points for this one.)

    5. I enjoyed the movie "Ishtar".

    6. I hated the movie "Tootsie".

    7. I REALLY hated the movie "It's a Wonderful Life".

    8. I disagree with Roger Ebert at least 30% of the time.

    9. I like letterboxed videos no matter what anybody says.

    10. I don't like letterboxed videos no matter what anybody says.

    11. I never even thought about going to my senior prom.

    12. I cringe when I hear any sentence that begins with the words "Life is..."

    13. I cringe when I hear any sentence that begins with the words "All men are..."

    14. I cringe when I hear any sentence that begins with the words "All women are..."

    15. I cringe when I hear any sentence that begins with the words "There are two kinds of people in the world..."

    16. I think that there are times, occasionally, when sexual intercourse is inappropriate.

    17. I never understood all that fuss about Marilyn Monroe.

    18. I don't like Elvis no matter what anybody says.

    19. If Adolf Hitler told me the sun was going to come up tomorrow, I'd agree with him. (Give yourself two bonus points for this one.)

    20. If Jesus told me the moon was made of naugahyde, I'd laugh in his face. (Give yourself twenty bonus points for this one.)

    21. If Jesus told me the sun was going to come up tomorrow, I'd agree with him. (Give yourself five bonus points if you agree with both this statement AND No. 19.)

    22. If Adolf Hitler told me the moon was made of naugahyde, I'd laugh in his face. (Give yourself five bonus points if you agree with both this statement AND No. 20. If you agree with all statements from 19 through 22, give yourself thirty bonus points.)

    23. I thought the "Star Wars" trilogy was pretty lame.

    24. I like "Star Trek", but I never liked Captain Kirk.

    25. I think "Star Trek: VOYAGER" is the PITS!

    26. I think "Star Trek: VOYAGER" is the best TV show ever. (Boy, are you EVER a free thinker! 50 bonus points!)

    27. I'm interested in knowing what other people think, but my decisions are my own.

    28. I think this test is highly insightful.

    29. I think this test is really stupid.

    30. I realize that this test is completely insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but I'm okay with that.




    0-15 points - You, my friend, are a SHEEP.
    16-20 points - You're a little too timid about taking unpopular stands.

    21-25 points - You're probably okay.

    26-30 points - You're definitely a free thinker.

    31 points or higher - I really admire you. If you don't care that I really admire you, give yourself 5 bonus points.


  • SixofNine

    Not fair. It wasn't till I read the scoring rules that I realized that
    #29 is the only one I can really agree with.

  • freakshow

    DOS rules!!!!

  • Seeker

    Your test is invalid. You cannot equate matters of taste with free thinking. For instance, you only get a point on your test if you liked the movie "Ishtar." Clearly you are equating a difference of opinion from that of critics as being "free thinking." That's fine and good in the abstract, but not necessarily in the specific. If you always follow what every critic says, you are, indeed, a sheep. If you did or did not like "Ishtar", it says absolutely nothing about your thinking ability, merely your taste.

    You can't measure taste, and thus your test is flawed.

  • larc

    Regarding the questions of Hitler and Jesus, I might laugh inside, but I wouldn't laugh in their face. Either one of them might kill me.

  • Big Jim
    Big Jim

    This is only a test. If this had been an actual test you would have been informed where to find the right answers.

  • waiting

    Hey Big Jim!

    Cool taste - invalid or not.

    I was one of the 3 people who enjoyed "Ishtar" - I thought it was funny. Also loved "Buckeroo Bonzai in the Third Dimension" at least until about the 10th time (my kids loved it too - thus the nearly dozen times.)

    Don't know what CP/M comuter is. I asked my husband - who looked blankly at me.

    30. I realize that this test is completely insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but I'm okay with that.

    And a good morning chuckle!


  • Yerusalyim

    I scored a 28, WOOOHOOOOO

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • reagan_oconnor

    Oh, yeah, I got a 48.

    Don't you think that's great? Everyone? I mean, I hope I'm not alone here, but I think it's important. Right? Well, maybe not. What do you think? I mean, opinions are subjective, and mine's just as subjective as the next guy.

    I am the master of my fate/I am the captain of my soul.

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