Found It! Awake!(tm) Oatmeal Cookies recipe with no wheat flour

by BrendaCloutier 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • BrendaCloutier

    I have a friend who is wheat intollerant. I'm in cookie baking mode and wanted to give her some, then I remembered her allergy. So I dug and dug in my overflowing totally disorganized recipe collection box and finally found it! I think it was originally published mid-60's. I loved these when I was a child.

    Awake! Oatmeal Cookies

    4 C Oatmeal
    2 C Brown Sugar
    1 C Veg. Oil

    Mix very well until all oats are coated with oil and sugar. Allow to sit at room temp. 8 hours or overnight.


    2 Eggs, beaten
    1/2 Teaspoon Salt
    1 Teaspoon Almond Extract
    Raisins, Nuts, or whatever

    Form cookies, bake on ungreased cookie sheet

    375-400 for 12-15 min until done

    I'm making these today. I'm using minute oats. I'll let you know how they turn out.



    PS I think Awake! Cookies will be an excellent Christmas Gift! Ho Ho Ho

  • Gretchen956

    Thanks, Brenda, I'm allergic to wheat too. I have found several flour blends that do not contain wheat and end up baking them using the same recipes. Used to be you only had rice flour, now there are a lot of other options. I may just try this recipe and see how it turns out.


  • willyloman

    It's a good recipe, but I should point out that Miracle Wheat will work just as well as oatmeal and without the allergic properties of which you complain (why do you think we call it a miracle?). We have a small supply of such Miracle Wheat left here in our waterfront warehouse in Brooklyn, NY, and will be happy to dispatch same upon receipt of one dollar. Oh, wait, that's gone up. Fifteen dollars. Plus shipping. And don't forget handling. Actually, any significant contribution will be put to good use, believe me.

  • bsmart

    Love this recipe, my JW relative makes em to this day.... Bake them in a mini muffin pan cause they spread. I have a silicone pan and they just pop out. Chewy wonderful oatmeal cookies!


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