sorry im post mad tonight.last post promise
how come the WTS preaches to be seperate from the world then gets money from NYSERDA ?
you might think im over reacting ,but how come the authorities and buisnesss are satan one minute and a funder the next? i mena how seperate is seperate?
the watchtower award is listed at the sight below.its not a scandel but annoying.they certainly know hwo to sniff out the money and save there own purses.
The 52 projects being funded by NYSERDA represent a total investment of $66 million in advanced distributed generation and combined heat and power initiatives when co-funding for the projects is factored in. These projects will enable commercial, agricultural, and industrial energy users to generate their own electricity, while using waste heat from the electric generation equipment for productive purposes, such as space or water heating.
Where does NYSERDA funding come from?NYSERDA derives its basic research revenues from an assessment on the intrastate sales of New York State's investor-owned electric and gas utilities, federal grants, and voluntary annual contributions by the New York Power Authority and the Long Island Power Authority. Additional research dollars come from limited corporate funds.lurk