Since you appear to offer this 'in fun', Big Jim (and peace to you!)... let's see:
1. Love truth. Cool. Can do.
2. Welcome folly. What on earth for?
3. Distrust goals. Well, maybe some of them, but...
4. Laugh deeply. This is a 'rule'?
5. Farm money. Nahhh, that's illegal. Better stick to corn and soy beans...
6. Die daily. Oh, HECK no... what's the point, then?
7. Give forgetfully. Yeah, that's good 'rule'
8. Digest adversity. True that, true that...
9. Bury ambition. The 'bad' kind, anyway... you know, that kind that says step on whomever you must to get what YOU want?
10. Scrutinize motives. Okay, well, sometimes...
11. Carry silence. Yeah, yeah, good, good... carry it where, though?
12. Befriend nature. Yep, 'cause, in truth, there is only ONE spirit between all living, breathing things... whether animal or vegetable...
13. Work restfully. Yeah, boy!
14. Touch hearts. And let yours BE touched...
15. Trust emptiness. 'Cause ain't gotta be somethin' goin' on all the time...
16. Avoid advising. Not true... depends. A life could be at stake...
17. Break rules. Better yet, ask questions and demand answers (well, maybe not always demand...) Kick butt first and take names... uh, oh, sorry... got carried away...
18. [B]You bored, too, BJ?[\B]