when I was a teenager, I had it bad for a brother. it used to kill me, because we liked the same stuff, but he was on the spiritual track, headed for Bethel, and I refused to get baptized. we used to argue while we were out in service, and we had a real love/hate relationship. half those religious debates should've ended by me kissing him and shutting him the h*** up. he went to Bethel, and I gave up. I ran away from home and tried my best to forget about him. twelve years go by, and I get an email from a classmate-reunion website. it's my man, and he's OUT!!! oh, what might have been. if I hadn't given up, and stuck around for about six more months, he would've been back from Bethel, all disillusioned and ready for the real world. yeah, Bethel made him get out of the religion. doesn't that crack you up? I'm hoping to visit him soon, and when I see him, I'm going to give him all the hugs I couldn't give him when we were both in the religion...because you know what HUGS lead to!!!!
it took me twelve years to find him...
by LuckyNun 9 Replies latest jw experiences
Wow... what a LuckNun you are!!!
Funny how things work out.
Good luck and have fun with your "man".
Have You Seen My Mother
because you know what HUGS lead to!!!! Are you hoping or.......
that is so cool he is out.. hope your reunion when you see him again is all you want it to be
LuckyNun! What good news! I hope it turns out very friendly indeed.
You've waited long enough...and so has he. Have fun...
I love stories like this. Please keep us posted.
I hope it goes well
If that's you in the pic, hell even if it's not, from the intelligent, witty tone of your posts HE'S the lucky one. Make sure he's perfectly aware of that, 'K?
not like that!
I have a man whom I love very much. not going to ruin that for a decade-old crush.
I'm just going to hug the heck out of David when I see him. platonic hugs, not sexy hugs!
contrary to JW belief, a man and a woman can be friends without fornicating all over the place.
that's what I was referencing with the "and you know what THAT leads to..." comment.