The Golden Pipewrench Awards

by MungoBaobab 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • MungoBaobab

    Ladies and Gentleman, Apostates, Lurkers, Ex-JWs, Fundamentalists and Atheists, welcome to the 2004 Golden Pipewrench Award Nominations, commemorating notable examples of the WTS "pipewrenching" Scriptures to get them to say what they want, regardless of the original context. Nominations may include any spurious or preposterous conclusion drawn from any specific scriptural reference, and not necessarily one from 2004.

    Please Note: The "Faithful and Discreet Slave" (Matt. 24:45) and the "this generation" (Matt. 24:34) parables have already been awarded lifetime Golden Pipewrenches and are ineligible for nomination.

    Very well, I would like to nominate Genesis 3:7 (Adam & Eve sew themselves fig leaves) and 3:21 (God gives them animal skins and expels them from paradise) for attempting to prove that God imposed a "higher standard of modesty" in dress on Adam and Eve, instead of the obvious implication that fig leaves offer inadequate protection outside of the paradisaical Garden of Eden, and that animal skins are a more utilitarian necessity for the cursed earth.

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